Friday, September 30, 2005

My Sore Wrist

When is a break not a break, when its a sprain. Went to the QA A&E department yesterday to get my hand looked at as when I woke in the morning it was rather painfull. After a X-ray and told nothing was broken, they told me I couldn't ride my bike and put my hand in a splint. Something I'm going to have to wear for the next 7 days. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Boot scuffin tastic....

Well that's gone a ruined my nice Dayton boots, but it did save my foot. Why did this happen you ask? Well on one of my many travels to work I was sat waiting for traffic to move off. When it did move I went to pull away, the clutch slipped and the rev's shot up and I nearly dropped the bike. As I tried to save the bike I caught my foot on a big kerbstone. Twisting my ankle as well as putting rather a lot of weight on my left wrist. I saved it and my ankle feels fine now thanks to the boots, but my wrist is a little sore. So I'll be seeing my mate Taz tonight to give that clutch/cable a good looking at. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 26, 2005

Frith Street Bike meet the return.

Well I got to Frith Street in the end, a bit later, but I did get there. Its only about 19 miles from the place I work but it takes ages to get there. So glad I don't work in the heart of London like I almost did, I'd never see my family. Had a nice time there where a few people there and it was nice to see them again. Though oddly for me I didn't take any photo's, must have been feeling ill.
Got home about 12:30 am after leaving at 10:40, a long journey home. I even think I hit some yellow sports card as he tried to carve me up, think he got a whack off one of my huge rear indicators. Knowing the size of the things its probably written his car off. Lol, well he should check his mirror next time he changes lanes.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Frith Street Bike meet

As per a number of bikers in London I shall be attending the Frith Street Soho bike meet on Friday night, for one night only. Maybe I'll see you there. ;-)


Monday, September 19, 2005

My Insurance Woes

4 months ago I got recovered for a flat tyre, my recovery company sent out the wrong type of transporter and the bike fell off when it was being loaded. I was on the bike guiding it up the (single) ramp at the operators request (else I would have never got on). He appears to have run out of push, and the bike fell off (no where to put my feet as I was on the ramp), causing enough damage to have it written off and injuring my knee. I've had to claim on my insurance as they are being funny about it, offering me the value of the bike but wanting me to sign a waver so that I would not pursue them for personal injury. I've gone though a Solicitor's as my knee is stuffed and now click's and causes me pain. I've never had a problem before, I just hope its OK riding the bike though the winter.
On top of that my insurance company seem to be a inept bunch of fools, loosing my paper work and forgetting to forward it on to the required departments and assessors. Meaning its now taken months for the claim to go though and I'm getting more and more annoyed. I've even had the added stress of the Royal Mail loosing my MOT, and having to wait 15 day's before they would 'declare' it lost. So now I have to claim back the cost to get a duplicate made. I just hope it all gets sorted very soon before I explode down the phone at someone.


Welcome to bikers view.
At the moment this blog is only in its draft phase as I plan to use this to add biking related blogs. Things like riding and traveling experiences that don't really fit in with my other blog. But in the mean time here are a few pic's:

Don't I make the bike look big!

Taken by Jax in the South of France in a town called Amillie

My current work horse, the Kawa GT750

I'm a very naughty person....

Don't travel to work in the snow... its cold.

My old lid