Monday, August 28, 2006

A Wasted Day

So I set off to Bristol at 7:45 in the morning to meet some people for a ride into Wales, only a 100 miles trip and I have my GPS. About half way there it starts playing up and seems to take me on a magical mystery tour of Somerset and Bath, so I stop and fanny around with it for 20 minutes getting the water out. Must have got in it from the torrential rain storm earlier where I didn't cover my tank bag quick enough. Finally manage to get it sorted and get underway in the right direction to find I've arrived just too late and everyone's set off with out me. So I sort myself out and head home... Interesting ride though...
Oh and this is a pic of Morrisions Bristol just to prove I got there...
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New helmet Caberg 104 V2 Graphic

Look, new lid...

Looks nice and the integrated dark visor is handy, though I have noticed that it does fog up a bit. Seems to get allot of air flowing though it even when all the vents are shut though that might be because of the anti-fog system for the main 'clear' visor. I have noticed a bit on noise even with my plugs in, but I will see what it like with out them on a short journey.
The other thing I have noticed compared to my old helemt is that the chin seems really close...

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Friday, August 11, 2006

Ride after Service.

Wow thats different, smooth power delivery, front and rear of bike don't ride like a bouncy castle and my gear-box is once again not the clonky bitch it has been. Should find out what its really like on my way to work next week. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Major Servicing time.

Well looks like the old SV has finaly had enough of my heavy handed riding and has started coughing and poping (it was fun at first but now its anoying) on my way to work. So I've taken the bike to my mate Taz for a service, plus a few other bits of work.
So now the bike is finished and all the work has been done, Taz even gave the Helga (yes I named the bike that) a polish. So I've had the fork seals replaced as it was blowing, plus 15W oil put in. Replaced the rear shock that was at 39K mile with a 15K. Oil, oil filter and air filter change, plus the carbs stripped cleaned and balance. Turns out the some of the balance valves where letting air in and one of the jets was blocked. So once the bike is back home I can see what she now feels like. Posted by Picasa