A Wasted Day
So I set off to Bristol at 7:45 in the morning to meet some people for a ride into Wales, only a 100 miles trip and I have my GPS. About half way there it starts playing up and seems to take me on a magical mystery tour of Somerset and Bath, so I stop and fanny around with it for 20 minutes getting the water out. Must have got in it from the torrential rain storm earlier where I didn't cover my tank bag quick enough. Finally manage to get it sorted and get underway in the right direction to find I've arrived just too late and everyone's set off with out me. So I sort myself out and head home... Interesting ride though...
Oh and this is a pic of Morrisions Bristol just to prove I got there...

throw the bloody gps away an learn to read a map its a bloody sight easyer than trying to follow that little box of triks,if u need that box of triks to do 100mls u need help
to scared to put a reply in bout your gps then told u throw it away an buy a map its a lot better than fannying around wiv a gps,a little tip from a biker of 40 years PLAN YOUR ROUTE FIRST and write the bloody road numbers down then u won't get lost,sorry if i upset u but we have a mate wiv a gps and let me tell u wen we go to europe touring we get lost more times using that bloody little box its a joke anyway keep goin wiv ur head down'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
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