Bikers View
Views and photos from a biker... Nobody comments on this blog...
My other Blogs: "New World Ruler" "Rate My Stool"Friday, November 25, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Its to cold.. and set to get colder. (echo)

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Mobile on the Move
Some of you may not be aware but in the UK now its illegal to use your hand held mobile phone while driving. Something us bikers are glad of, as car have enough distractions with out them driving with one had on the phone to the there partner/lover/boss/both/eta, and not seeing us.
But it seems the closer I get to London the less this law applies to the people around it. Today I had to resist the urge as I filtered though traffic (not illegal I might add) to tell some woman off. I was thinking of tapping on the window and saying something.. but what????? " Excuse me, do you mind paying attention to the road please, some of use are trying to get from A to B without betting knocked off."
And if she ignored me? Rev the bike until she hangs up?... mmmh sounds like a plan.
Feel free to add some more suggestions.
(repeated in my other blog as I thought it was important)
Tw@t in a Luton Van
He was sat behind me in his white Luton Van, at the traffic lights on the Feltham railway bridge with his one working headlight. Drinking a can of Fosters and no seat belt.
Oh the annoyance..... I bet he didn't even have a license.
I wanted to do something but what could I do, he'd have just run me over.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
What speedo?

Monday, November 14, 2005
Portsdown Hill

Friday, November 11, 2005
Sunday Driving on a Friday
Well today was another day with a hour and 15 ride to work... all 65 miles of it. This time the M3 at junction 4 was rather quite, not the normal mad scramble that goes on there due to the road works. So once I cleared all that it was rather open road, even to the point that I was able to move into the middle lane and just overtake the odd slow moving lorry. Well until I got to junction 3 where upon I watched a small old white Peugeot (i think) pull on to the M3, indicators flashing nice and smooth. But it didn't stop, just carried on moving over, this was a problem as I was in the lane they where about to move into. With I rather loud f*$k and quick glimpse of my mirrors and shoulder check I swung over to the 3rd lane. I did look back at the tw@t in the Peugeot but they seem to have slowed down, maybe hoping I would carry on about my journey with out me slowing down to rip their mirrors off. Something that I would have never done, hopefully it was just a mistake, but I wish I'd have used my horn or maybe waved my fist more.
Anyway, if you drive a old white Peugeot and join the M3 @ junction 3 Northbound, your mirrors are on the side of your car if you where looking for them.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I got money back from my insurance
Well I will do... in December so they say after they have done there admin and sent it to my broker who then do some more admin and send it to me. All that for 150 quid, what a lot of admin! This is the money I wouldn't have paid them if the woman hadn't knocked my bike over and then refused to give me her insurance so I had to claim on mine. Thus loosing my no claims bonus while it went to court. It was settled in my favour in the end...