Well here you are a few pics from the weekend testing, still a bit unsure as I might need to trim the front below the lights, and air scoop a bit more to make the lines flow better.
The design is a mix of 2 things really, I was looking to do something different and I had this idea. Though I found out that a fellow forum member at
www.sv650.org had beaten me to it, so got some advice off him. Then obtained some panels of someone off this forum for free, this was because they had been mashed up. Its taken me a long t

ime to get it sorted as sometime I need rather allot of motivation to get going, though I have been busy with a lot of other things on this bike. The battery tray for example, I'm still not sure if I'm happy with its position as it obscures the nice shock rather a lot. But I'm sure this will come with more time.
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