Pulled by the Rozzers

I imagine my speed was anything from 30 to 35 to 40 mph, though he said the main reason he pulled me was that he suspected me of drinking as I was a tad wobbly. This might have been true as the last bend I took all wrong.
One of those things though, just asked all the usual questions. Thats not your real colour hair is it? Nope. Where you been? London. When did you leave? Sometime before 12. Where you going? Just going to post something in to my brothers house over there and then home. Whats your name and address? Blah.
While all this is going on his mates looking over the bike and checking the details, even stuck his hand on the tyre to see how warm it was.
Just got asked to slow down and sent on my way... So in all it could have been a million times worse.
So wake up call Mr Martin.
I was polite, didn't get funny in any way and answered all his questions.
Labels: bad driving
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