Friday, May 19, 2006

When Merc's Suddenly Appear.

Over took some cars past 'Bird World' (A325) on my way to work this morning, where the road goes in to a dip, pulled in front of the traffic, before the lines in the road went solid while rolling off the throttle. Noticed 2 cars waiting to pull out from the right, the Frensham turning. Car turning left pulls out, and as I can see traffic coming down the hill I think should be fine as guy waiting to turn right won't have time to pull out.
What happens! As I get close the guy in the Merc guns it, I don't think, wind up the throttle as its too late for brakes a swing left missing his bonnet/wheel arch by inches. All the time mumbling 'oh my god, what the f*ck!' Roll the throttle off back to the limit, have a quick glance back and carry on with my wet journey.


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