On the way to work this morning I was coming round the large Farnham roundabout that splits from 2 lanes to 3. So seeing as I was stuck behind 2 cars and a slow moving van/bus I decided to get past in the 3rd outside lane. Indicate, roll on power and move out, get past first car, brain goes 'whats that in road?' Start lining up to move past the next car and van while setuping for high speed flick round corner, brain shouts, 'that looks like sand fool'. Oh crap it is sand, and its a bit late to change position as I'm leaning the bike over for the bend now. So I relax (instinct I think), front end hits the sand and lets go, sphincter closes, bike kicks, finds grip again, and I manage to stand bike back up for the straight bit. Give it more power, get past the van/bus and pull in to carry on up the A31 to Guildford. A bit of cursing, and a few why, oh why didn't I heed my brain the first time...
I live in Portsmouth, Hampshire with my gorgeous wife Jax, and our lovely son PJ (Peter John) and our equally lovely daughter Josie.
I'm in my 40's now (75), working in the IT sector. Most of the time building, configuring and designing UNIX/Linux servers for various companies. IBM, SSE, CLS and lots more. In my own time, not the bit that involves home, kids and other such things I like to paint and draw. A mix of digital art at the moment and miniature painting. I also own a couple of motorcycles, though they don't see the time they once did.
A selection of my favorite words are: Coracle…. (Small, ancient, round boat. Just fits one). Oscillate…. (To rotate back and forth). Badger…. (Self-explanatory I think). I also like the word ‘perpendicular’ too, though Jax did have to explain it to me.
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