Well its been a very busy weekend for Helga, she's had a oil change which involved her having the belly pan removed. Which I then discovered a oil leak round the clutch cover, looks like when its been replaced sometime before the 'ring' had been crimped. Luckily I was at my mate Taz's gaff and he was able to make me a new ring and put the cover back on minimum of fuss. I didn't have time to clean the 'mud' oil off the pan so that will have to wait till next week end. But the oil change got completed, then I moved on to tracing my speedo fault (kept telling me I was doing 150mph when I was doing about 80). Turned out to be a dirty connection on the battery, sorted.On top of that I was getting some miss fires from the front cylinder, and I know these bikes are prone to blocked front spark plug drain holes. So pulled the panels off and had a good clean out with the pipe cleaner, then swapped the plugs round. Checked the spark and it seemed fine, checked the gap, and burn, all seem good. Might well have been down to the bad connection on the battery. Anyway, gave me time to check the air filter out and move the heat grips wiring. So I was happy.Next weekend is clean rear brake.
I live in Portsmouth, Hampshire with my gorgeous wife Jax, and our lovely son PJ (Peter John) and our equally lovely daughter Josie.
I'm in my 40's now (75), working in the IT sector. Most of the time building, configuring and designing UNIX/Linux servers for various companies. IBM, SSE, CLS and lots more. In my own time, not the bit that involves home, kids and other such things I like to paint and draw. A mix of digital art at the moment and miniature painting. I also own a couple of motorcycles, though they don't see the time they once did.
A selection of my favorite words are: Coracle…. (Small, ancient, round boat. Just fits one). Oscillate…. (To rotate back and forth). Badger…. (Self-explanatory I think). I also like the word ‘perpendicular’ too, though Jax did have to explain it to me.
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