Saturday, April 21, 2007

Busy Day...

That it has, been working on both bikes today... Even cleaned Helga's chain and sprockets, completely forgot that it was gold. Looks ten million times better now, though it may need a run and then another light clean as there was a lot of dirt and crud ingrained into the chain.
Then after that I pulled Anastasia apart, stripping down the front end ready for the forks to be serviced and to change one of the front disc's. Then I put the Renthal handle bars on to see how they fit and what cables I'm going to need to change/extend, so not a bad day.


Monday, April 09, 2007

Working on the SV

As some of you may have notice I've spent rather lot of time working on me bike, from which I have learn't a few important things that had never occured to me.
  1. Getting a bike through the house into the back garden is not a one person job.
  2. You never have the tools you need to do the jobs you want, many trips to the shop will stop play.
  3. Sometimes you'll even have to manufacture your own, namely a 5 quid 27mm socket cut down to fit a castle nut.
  4. The job is never easy as you would hope.
  5. After 4 years riding and 2 years layed up, lots of bolts will need to be cut off and replaced.
  6. A big hammer is your friend, but two are a god send.
So here's a few pic's for your enjoyment.
First up the step and in to the house with the help of the yellow pages (to help bump the bike up the front step), and into the dinning room.
Then Jax helped me into the kitchen and down our huge rear step into the garden.
After which a few days destruction ensued, and we now have the bike in this state.


Monday, April 02, 2007

Basket Head

OK, not strictly true that it's a 'basket head' more a 'basket helmet' but it sounds good. But how did this come to be you might ask? Maybe not then, but I'm going to elaborate anyway. After all, if your here reading this then you must have some interest in whats going on in this world of mine. Or it just gives you a good giggle every now and again, not that I claim to be a comic genius, after reading some of the posts that 'SafeT' writes I laugh out loud. Anyway, I'm just rambling, typing what ever spiel comes into my head at the moment. So the 'basket helmet'...
Jax has had this idea for a while and I had a old helmet that I no longer wear due to its old age, I know it doesn't look to bad. But I do allot of riding and I try to replace my helmets at least every 4 years, this is due to the fact that the material in the helmet takes allot of abuse. Exposure to things like rain, dirt, hair grease and other things. So you can't be sure that its still to the same standard a new helmet is, on top of that the helmet has take a few knocks and bumps over the years so 4 is a good age. Anyway Jax had a idea to make a hanging basket from the helmet, but never got round to it, till last week. When she bought it in to the living room and asked me to rip the liner and foam padding out, just leaving the polycarbonate shell. Jax then slowly drilled 3 holes for the chain, attached, lined, filled with dirt, and then planted. So there you are, don't it look lovely and unique.