More Morrisons
(Mpg 48.36) KM per Litre:17.12 Pence per mile:8.36 160miles! for £13.37
Now I took the back way home last night and as the fuel drained away the bike seemed to run rougher and rougher, with it managing to stall 3 times! So i might be changing the fuel rather soon as its been running bad since I started using this Morrisons stuff, maybe justcoincidencee.
Another thing to note is its been rather windy this week so I imagine that didn't help. Did had a lovely ride home last night...Addedd another 20 miles but what the hell, drunk a bit more fuel too...Butt it all seemed to be flowing well last night, all smooth like. The old skill is coming back.
Fuel light started flashing at 132 miles.
Went solid at 155 miles.
Labels: Fuel