After 10 years I've had my first proper road accident, I was rammed on my way to work this morning... By a Vauxhall Astra at Hindhead in Hampshire. First the damage pic's.
Right.. now I was filtering past the traffic at Hindhead, a rather bad traffic blackspot on the A3, I was coming up to a junction with traffic queued on the left and a traffic island and marked chevrons in the middle. I filtered round the traffic on the inside of the traffic island and then outside past a BT van. I must have been about 1 and half maybe 2 car lenght's when I noticed the car pull out. He seemed to hesitate (I was braking), then pull out again and hit me. I'm a little unsure of these details but I do have 2 witnesses. I flipped off the bike as it went down and kind of spider-ed in the road (Jax found that funny), after muttering bugger got up and helped the bloke on a BMW who had stopped pick my bike up and move it to the side of the road. Everyone was asking if I was OK and the passer by and BT van driver gave me there details. The bloke in the car asked if I was OK and gave me his details, though I think he looked a bit more shocked about it then me. Checked over the bike, made sure it was running. Took a few photos, ran the wife and my Team leader then went on my way.
I live in Portsmouth, Hampshire with my gorgeous wife Jax, and our lovely son PJ (Peter John) and our equally lovely daughter Josie.
I'm in my 40's now (75), working in the IT sector. Most of the time building, configuring and designing UNIX/Linux servers for various companies. IBM, SSE, CLS and lots more. In my own time, not the bit that involves home, kids and other such things I like to paint and draw. A mix of digital art at the moment and miniature painting. I also own a couple of motorcycles, though they don't see the time they once did.
A selection of my favorite words are: Coracle…. (Small, ancient, round boat. Just fits one). Oscillate…. (To rotate back and forth). Badger…. (Self-explanatory I think). I also like the word ‘perpendicular’ too, though Jax did have to explain it to me.