I was on my normal ride home last night and came to a 2 lane junction with lights. The left lane was for traffic going straight across and the right lane for traffic turning right. Just before this is a left turn to travel up another road to get to a hotel, this has a keep clear box. I was filtering past the line of traffic that had built up there traveling slowly to ensure nothing was going to suddenly pull out, it was all clear. Turned my head back to pull up to the lights, and what do I see the glare of head lights and a 4x4 thing swinging right in front of me! Shat my load and slammed on the brakes getting a bit of a wobble as I try to find my footing and swear under my breath. But shrugged it off and carry on home, resisting the urge that comes over me to go back down the road and follow the 4x4 down the road to have it out with the drive. As I know the road is a dead end street. So what should I have done....
Carried on home like I did, learning a important fact. Twats may come at you from any direction?
Or should I have followed them down the road and had it out with the drive and maybe thumped them?
Looks like my bike waterproofs are going to need re-treating, as they have become no longer waterproof. Just look at how damp my arse was this morning. Good job I had my tracksuit bottoms in my bang for my physio tonight else I'd be wearing wet trousers. On top of that I was filtering in traffic up to some lights and moved around a van that had decided that he wanted to go right (into the second lane) but didn't need to use his indicators to warn me. So swung round to the left and realised there was a car there. Pulled on the front brake and pressed the back, the back then locked up and slid while the front seemed rather wooly. I hit the car... only at about 3mph but enough to jar me and make me swear. At that time the lights changed and they drove off.... I pulled over in the next layby to check the bike but it looks like it was just tyre that hit. Oh well... I couldn't see any damage and I don't think they even noticed. I'll have to give me brakes a good looking at this weekend.
I live in Portsmouth, Hampshire with my gorgeous wife Jax, and our lovely son PJ (Peter John) and our equally lovely daughter Josie.
I'm in my 40's now (75), working in the IT sector. Most of the time building, configuring and designing UNIX/Linux servers for various companies. IBM, SSE, CLS and lots more. In my own time, not the bit that involves home, kids and other such things I like to paint and draw. A mix of digital art at the moment and miniature painting. I also own a couple of motorcycles, though they don't see the time they once did.
A selection of my favorite words are: Coracle…. (Small, ancient, round boat. Just fits one). Oscillate…. (To rotate back and forth). Badger…. (Self-explanatory I think). I also like the word ‘perpendicular’ too, though Jax did have to explain it to me.