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My other Blogs: "New World Ruler" "Rate My Stool"Friday, June 12, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas'ing up the bike.

Labels: sv650
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Swapping a loom.
So it had to be fixed, a big job, as all the plastics and tank need to come off to get everything out. As you can see by the first and second photos, which in reality took the longest amount of time.
I put the new loom in and got the bike going, but had a few small problem with he rad fan constantly going. Sorted this all out but then I think I shorted something, and in further discoveries today after not having the bike for a week I think I have found the problem. A dead signal generator, this with the help of Alternator control the timing of the spare to the spark plugs. So with out this I have not ignition.
Labels: sv650
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Odometer of the beast
My SV I call Helga has finally made it, sixty six thousand six hundred and sixty six miles.
Labels: sv650
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Whiney Clutch
So after much umming and erring I took the cover off, cap off again and had a look, noticing what looked like a grove in the cover on its inside. Time to take the cover off, to which I found the damage to the right, clear groves out of the plastic cover. Got job it is plastic to, else it could have been much worse.
Turns out that the problem is one of the clutch springs had worked is way loose and was in the process of rubbing my clutch cover away, so after a good tighten I got it back together again. Surprisingly enough the noise was gone!
Labels: sv650
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Flipped bike Hidden damage
Labels: sv650
Friday, September 12, 2008
No headlights
On the way out for a little bimble I joined the M25, and noticed it was a touch darker then I remembered. So I pulled over, to realise that I had no headlights, not one gone but both, and the parking light too.
So, what to do?
On the side of the M25 I start pulling the bike apart, first checking the fuses, which are all fine. Tried whacking the front of the bike, but this does nothing, so panels off time. After a little fiddling I get the lights back, but the not the parking light, odd. So after a quick chat with the Motorway Patrol man, I put the bike back together and get going again, and pull off at the next junction. As I was heading down this dark road the light flicker off a few more times, so I bail for home, hoping not to end up anywhere to dark.
On the journey home the bike stalls and will only start with the lights off, rather odd.
So in all I suspect iffy connection block on the right hand side again, with the bad light I couldn't get a good look, but I have put the panels back on with only 2 bolts now for quick removal.
But I think I will be adding in a additional bit of wiring over the weekend, though I'm worried now that the loom could be rotted I might have circuit leak to.
Labels: electrical